Kabudula Team Training: Packing Surgical Sets

This week, we hosted a Team Training at Kabudula Community Hospital.

Topic: Theater Set Packing

Trainer: Kamuzu Central Hospital’s theater nurse Chifundu

Trainees: Four theater nurses and three theater attendants.

Joined by: three clinicians and Kab’s anesthetist as they’re the ones that open and use the surgical sets while treating patients.

Why: Theater attendants are responsible for preparing surgical kits but never received training from the Ministry of Health on the latest procedures.

Donations: KCH donated a manual and posters on how to properly pack sets for the major and minor procedures which are being performed at Kab

Training: Kab staff practiced packing basic sets, Caesarean sets, thyroidectomy sets, and sets for minor procedures. They also packed sets that will be used during next week’s surgical camp.

Homework: Organize all the loose instruments at Kab, and next week we will see how many additional sets we can make.

Effectiveness: Next week, Chifundo will return to Kab for surgical week to assess theater attendants’ ability to name all instruments and correctly put together kits for specific procedures.

A very big THANK YOU to the kitchen staff who cooked a scrumptious lunch for us all!